Post Holiday Relief
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02 Feb 2023
This was a great holiday, wasn't it? But if you are like most people, you are ready to give your body a break. It feels it. It is telling you to take it easy on a number of things including sugar. Sure, we love it in so many holiday treats but most of us over consume it during the last two weeks of the year and beverages are the worst offender. Nectar Springs is a great way to drink a better beverage. If you are looking for flavored water, maybe with a little color but none of the sugar or artificial sweeteners, Nectar Springs is your detoxing answer. This fruit infused water is a great way to help you drink more water but make water more interesting and easier to drink. It's also a great drink for kids and a great drink for diabetics anytime. So, enjoy your post-holiday recovery. Drink more water but enjoy it. Nectar Springs is water, only better!